Anah Dunsheath . artist
5 layers marine grade (316) Stainless Steel 2180x1190x400mm. For Sale $15,000
Stainless Steel & Paint 2300x500x970mm
Marine Grade Stainless Steel 3500x1000x1000mm
Stainless steel 2000x400x300mm. For Sale $4,950
Mirror finished Stainless Steel 1040x 300x400mm
Marine Grade stainless steel, 3900x3000x600mm
Marine Grade stainless steel 1800x3400x600m. For Sale $4,900
Marine Grade stainless steel, 2150x1000x150 mm
Stainless steel layers & paint. For high plinth. 500 x 425
Mirror finish 8mm, 316marine grade stainless steel 2400x600x300mm
Stainless steel mixed media 400x200
Dunsheath's sculptures are made of high quality (316) stainless steel, often mirror finished with an emphasis on illusion. They range from plinth mounted works to huge outdoor site specific
sculptures as big as required and overseen by a professional technical engineering team.
Dunsheath says ‘"My sculptural works seek to engage the viewer with an element of surprise and humour"